Be confident.

Specializing in IT firms, Be Certain Consulting is a national leader providing custom-tailored insurance plans for your company and your employees. Our industry experts hold more than fifty years of combined insurance experience, so we can handle all of your insurance needs — from subscriptions to no-cost coverage-information webinars.

We've helped save our clients millions while providing unrivaled customer service. Are you ready to become a satisfied customer?

We've Helped Save Millions

Now it's your turn to save. With our innovative self-funded process, we help reduce your margins by allowing you to keep more of your money in your bank account.

Keep Growing Without a Care

We specialize in rapidly-growing and actively hiring businesses with a constantly growing employee base. Your program will be designed, implemented, and shared personally with your employees through our no-cost insurance webinars.

No-Cost Insurance Webinars

We here at Be Certain Consulting know how busy running your business can be. We design, develop, and host free (yes, you read that correctly) monthly webinars that carefully explain your employees' benefits. Why not join us for a webinar that ensures your employees understand the value of their insurance?

Service, Savings, Satisfaction

Service: 24/7
Savings: Millions
Satisfaction: Guaranteed

Simple. Healthy. Positive.
Insurance you can depend on.

Healthy employees are happy employees, and happy employees are productive.

We keep your team healthy so they can focus on what's important!

Why Us?

At Be Certain Consulting, we're focused on finding you the best insurance, so you can focus on hiring the very best in the industry. Whether you're navigating through medical health insurance, HRAs, the Affordable Care Act, group insurance, or you're simply a CFO, or CEO, seeking a team with expertise and knowledge in the insurance field in order to make the best-informed decision — we are dedicated to helping you reach your goals.

We have helped our clients save millions while providing unrivaled customer support. Whether you have a question about which policy best suits you, or would like us to explain your newly-purchased insurance to you or your staff, we have agents available to assist you 24/7, and we make it our priority to ensure your satisfaction from start to finish.

Tell Us

If we were to sit across from you a year from now discussing achievements you wish you would have accomplished — what would you say?

Contact us so we can help make your dreams a reality today!

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